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Scenes from the Week: May 9–13

Writer: Waldorf School of PGHWaldorf School of PGH

On Tuesday, WSP parent Deanna Georgetti returned to campus to unveil the the finished silks children tie-dyed at May Fair. These silks will be given to the Early Childhood classrooms as a gift from the community. Children gathered around during recess while Dandelions patiently watched the reveal from their classroom window.


Sunflowers and Buttercups in the sun.


Grade 3 plays Gaga ball!


Middle School play practice! Students worked hard to memorize lines and block scenes in A Midsummer Night's Dream. They performed Thursday night and will have a performance this evening.


On May 5th the WSP Board of Trustees generously provided lunch for all employees as part of teacher appreciation. The Parent Association provided homemade desserts.


As part of a block focusing on Orixás, Teaching Artist Baba Akin joined Grade 4 to drum and teach songs about the Orisha. He has been collaborating with Miss Opdahl throughout the block to help guide the content brought to the students. First and second grade joined the class to listen to the drumming and songs.


Taking a break from prepping for the WSP merchandise sale by playing a game of ping pong in the Grade 7 classroom.

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