Scenes from April 2024
Baby bunnies were found in the Beehive play yard! Students from all programs were captivated by this Spring-time surprise.

2nd Grade Spanish.

The students in Grade 5 designed and painted this battle scene for their class play, The Journey of Rama.

7th and 8th graders give a hand to Mr. Mark with groundskeeping!

A group of Jewish WSP community members, Anne Clair Goodman, Nadiv Brog, Nadine Lehrer, and Kim Wedner, have been working together since January to bring Passover to our school community. We are excited to have the culmination of this work happen this week in several ways in our classes. Passover is a time of celebration over meals, called Seders, and often an opportunity for storytelling and time with family. Our hope in bringing this experience to WSP's students is to deepen an appreciation for the cultural festival, allow for cross-class experiences, and to connect with each other over the process of making and enjoying food.
Shown here are 6th and 7th graders making matzoh, and one 7th grader enjoying homemade matzoh with homemade haroset (apple dish) made by Grade 3.

Grade 3 performs Johnny Appleseed for this year's class play. This is the first year when students step forward and say lines by themselves. Due to the unexpected absence of one of the actors Mr. Tobias stepped into the role of the Wolf, which delighted both the audience and the actors.

Students in Grade 4 work on their handwork projects.

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