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Scenes from the Week: 5/16–5/20

Writer: Waldorf School of PGHWaldorf School of PGH

On Thursday afternoon Grade 5 participated in the opening ceremony for the Pentathlon—the culmination of not only the fifth grade social studies and language arts curricula but also a tradition in Waldorf Education marking the transition between childhood proper and the beginning of adolescence.


Students in Grade Six prepare crowns and boutonnières to be worn at the Rising Ceremony (formally the Knighting Ceremony). The Rising Ceremony is one that honors the year-long process sixth grade students undergo, both individually and as a class. Since the fall, they have worked to keep spaces in the school and at home tidy, to help with special projects, to interview and write about people whose qualities they strive to hold, and to let go of qualities that hold them back. This ceremony acknowledges what each student has done to cultivate a noble heart, one filled with compassion and courage as they become purposeful, independent-thinking human beings.


Grade Two student reads to a first grader during dismissal.


Grade 1 greets Ms. Goodman as she returns to campus following a quarantine. Looks like they missed her and are happy she tested negative for COVID-19.


Meet the elephants our noble hearted Sixth Graders have worked so hard to make this year in handwork.


We were delighted to welcome the Class of 2030 to campus for our Bridge to First Grade experience. This program not only provides a glimpse into what it is like to be in the WSP Grades Program but also offers the students an opportunity to come together as a whole class. This week, students experienced art class and made paper robins for spring.


This week Grade 1 created mandalas with collected bits of nature. Some children worked with one or two others, while some chose to work alone. Each mandala started with a carefully chosen center—something special—with everything else radiating out from this unifying place.

The lesson began with a discussion about the ephemeral nature of the experience—this art would not last forever, maybe not even an hour or overnight as the wind might blow pieces away or an animal or human could move pieces of it. Each unique mandala represents a moment in time.


Grade 4 students practice with their pentatonic flutes.


Miguel Sague III visited campus for an interactive drumming performance! Miguel is an Afro-Cubano drummer who shared story, song, and dance with the children in our Early Childhood Programs. You may remember Miguel’s performance from May Fair this year. He was excited to perform for the children and is looking forward to building relationships with the Waldorf Community; and we are so excited to have him!

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