Save the Date: WSP Lantern Walk, November 17th
This year our Lantern Walk (November 17) is designed to allow you to visit all of the new trees that will have been planted through TreeVitalize.

The illuminated path begins at the Coral Street Gate (by the Grades play yard) where you will pick up your candle, and runs along the sidewalk on the perimeter of our campus. On this path you will visit the many Dogwood and Redbud trees that line the street, until you get to the big, wrought iron gate by the Buttercup Kindergarten play yard. From there you will enter the grounds of the campus to view the Golden Willow in the Beehive play yard, Persimmon & Paw Paw trees in the Early Childhood play yards and two Red Maple Trees on Heartwood Annex lawn. After you pass Heartwood Annex you'll meander through the Mulberry play yard to Evaline St. and back into the Grades play yard and finally you will visit the majestic tree—the Dawn Redwood. Lantern candles will be collected at the end of the path in the Fairy Garden.
WSP is so grateful to TreeVitalize for these new additions to our campus and to WSP parent Emily Bush for connecting WSP to the program. All twenty trees have been donated and planted at no cost to our school. Let us all embrace these trees as part of our campus by including them as part of our Lantern Walk.