Re-enrollment for 2021–22
It's that time of year!

Believe it or not, re-enrollment time for the 2021–22 school year is soon upon us, starting next Wednesday, December 16 and continuing until January 31.
New this year is an extended deadline until the end of January for families of currently enrolled students. We hope you find this helpful during an already busy and challenging time.
Early childhood families and rising first grade families will be receiving a re-enrollment link via TADS on December 16. Grades families (grades 2–8) will be automatically enrolled.
As siblings receive a preference after existing students, this is also a time to apply for siblings via TADS online. More details will follow next week.
Devon Wood is available to talk about your current student’s next steps or a sibling coming to the school. Please e-mail to set up an appointment.
Additionally, virtual tours take place weekly on Wednesdays at 9:00 am via Zoom. This is a perfect time to ask questions about the school. Please inquire or RSVP with Annie Baltzer, Admissions Assistant,