May Fair Gratitude
Thank you to our nearly 100 volunteers (adults and students!) who created such a delightful May Fair last Saturday. Despite the on and off rain, 483 tickets were sold for all to gather in order to celebrate with our community through food, fun and the arts. Approximately $5,000 was raised for WSP including fundraisers for classes—which is fantastic!
Thank you to our steady volunteers who come year after year to coordinate various activities. You help bring much needed institutional memory to these annual events. Thanks, too, to our newer helpers who enthusiastically take direction and offer their energy and purpose. We appreciate you all!
Special thanks to our performers, coordinators, and donors. Please forgive us if we have overlooked your name. The Fair would not be possible without everyone's collaboration!
Kathleen Andrews
Ash Attisano
Bake Sale Bakers
Frank Battista
Beth Benson
Yovana Bontrager
Emily Bush
Cavacini Garden Center
Kirsten Christopherson-Clark
Cilantro and Ajo
John Clark
Josh Clary
Cozy Gnome Craftworks
Christal Edmunds
Pegin Foglia
Barbara Grance
Barb Grossman
Jennie Guerrero
Manola Handler
Coleman Hillstrom
Elena Hillstrom
Ang Illar
Lauren Jesko
Holly King
Darrell Kinsel and Anqwenique Wingfield
David Konefal-Shaer
Erik Lawrence
Allie Lee
Zen Levin
Sarah LouiseSteffi Mayer-Staley
Denise McMorrow
Jenn Moore
Teresa Narey
Kim O’Donnell
Olive & Marlowe
On a Roll Catering, LLC
Michelle Opdahl
Erica Peiffer
Ivonne Peña
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
Pgh. Crepes
Playful Pittsburgh
Janna Reiff
Rahel Ringger
Lee Saville-Iksic
Mark Staley
Dave Taylor
Robyn Thomas
Paige Wiegman
Andrea White
Darija Wiswell
Jen Widich
Devon Wood
Iki Woodburn