A Letter from Our Head of School

A Morning Garden Redbuds student looking at our "gift for the birds"—a hand-strung cranberry garland made by the students.
Two weeks ago, a child asked me when arriving at school to find the buildings bedecked with garland and white lights, “Do you know how this happened?” Thanks to our Winter Fair Decorating Team, I did! Decorating for Winter Fair sets the tone for the winter holidays throughout WSP. An atmosphere of generosity, warmth, and gratitude fills the campus along with traditions inspiring goodwill.
We started off the month with our annual Winter Fair. This event is only possible because of the hard work and generosity of over 150 volunteers and all of our faculty and staff. Thank you for a fantastic day! We had record attendance with 590 attendees and a wonderful feeling throughout the campus. Thank you for everyone’s tremendous support and collaboration.
Last week, classes walked the Winter Spiral. This peaceful, self-reflective tradition offers children and adults a moment to shine light into darkness. Whether one has the opportunity to walk it oneself or watch another walk the spiral, it is a special experience and fosters a reverent mood within the space. Each person brings their own expression to walking a path of darkness carrying a single light and then chooses where to place their candle. Together, the group lights the darkened path bringing light to one another.
This week, the 4th and 5th graders visited Pennwood Nursing Center for the first time to perform choral music they have sung this year including some holiday favorites. In addition to singing, they delivered cards that the WSP community made during Winter Fair. It was a joy to receive the gift of gratitude from the residents at Pennwood, and WSP was warmly invited to come back!
On this last day of school before Winter Break, there are many gestures of gratitude being shared — some that come in the form of baking, cards, or gifts. Gratitude is also expressed and felt in the environment we create with one another. WSP teaching artists (and families!) once again hosted an inspiring Kwanzaa celebration for our students and staff, reminding us of what we can foster together. May you experience generosity, warmth, and gratitude by being in the WSP community.
Wishing you very happy holidays with those you love.
Kirsten Christopherson-Clark
Head of School