A Feeling of Winter Fair
While we won’t be able to gather in person for Winter Fair this year, we do plan to make the time of year special in a variety of ways.

One way is by providing our community an opportunity to enjoy making many of the beloved Winter Fair crafts and participating in many special activities from home! We will be selling Winter Fair Kits or “Winter Fair in a Box” which will include supplies for candle making, orange pomander ornaments, and more. Please look for more information in weeks to come.
Donation and Volunteer Opportunities
At this time, we are asking for donations of whole cloves and ¼-inch ribbon. In addition, if you are inspired to lead a holiday baking activity or craft virtually (can be pre-recorded), please contact Kirsten Christopherson-Clark at kcclark@waldorfpittsburgh.org. If you are interested in helping to assemble the boxes, please contact Kirsten as well! We are also looking forward to decorating the school building as we have in year’s past for Winter Fair, so there will be a sign-up for volunteers for that effort, too. Your donations to the Greens Fundraiser will help this effort immensely. More information about how the feeling of Winter Fair will be shared throughout the school and even during several school days will be shared in future announcements.