WECAN Virtual Parent Evening: How Should We Think about Warmth in Childhood?
Rosebud Nursery parents enjoy a foot bath during Parent Evening
Thinking About this Busy Time of Year
Did you know—how do your children work with beeswax and why?
Scenes from the Week: 10/10–10/14
Did you know? What is Michaelmas and why do Waldorf schools celebrate it today?
Did you know? A picture of commencement at the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh.
Free Online Summit April 25–May 4: Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times
Did you know? Steiner believed inner work was an essential practice for those guiding children.
Did you know? Waldorf curriculum uniquely addresses the developmental shift of the 9-year-old.
Did you know? Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul is read from weekly by the WSP admin team—why?
Did you know? What is form drawing and why is it taught in Waldorf Schools?
Did you know? Waldorf math curriculum follows developmental stages for learning.
Did you know? Why is limiting media and electronics encouraged in Waldorf Education?
Parent Offering: Resources to Support Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Did you know? Why does Waldorf Education include handwork and an emphasis on working with the hands?
Did you know? Waldorf teachers meditate daily on each student in their class.
Did you know? Nature is integrated into Waldorf Education in developmentally appropriate ways.
Grade Eight finishes the second week of its anatomy block by learning about the five senses.
Did you know? Main Lesson books are unique to Waldorf Education.