Equity, Diversity, & Inclusivity
Waldorf pedagogy is founded on principles that underscore our common humanity and the equality of all people. We welcome children of all races, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and religions. We believe that the educational experience of all children is enriched when they play and learn in the company of peers from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds.
Waldorf School of Pittsburgh Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity Mandate
Approved by WSP Board of Trustees June 28, 2022
The Waldorf School of Pittsburgh is founded on the principles that affirm our common humanity and the equality of all people. We believe that the educational experience of all children is enriched when they play and learn in the company of peers from diverse backgrounds.
We acknowledge that systemic biases and inequities are embedded in our society and institutions. Naming these forms of inequity, and recognizing and assessing their impact, is essential to dismantling them. Our work is to limit these experiences as much as possible and respond in a restorative manner when these instances arise.
It is therefore the policy of WSP to strive for broad representation and celebrate diversity within our entire community (the student body, the Faculty/Staff/Administration, families, and the Board), and curriculum so that they mirror the richness of the community and world in which we live. We are committed to increasing our capacity to work for equity, inclusion, and justice.
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) Committee is an advisory committee that exists to support the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh by welcoming, supporting, and connecting families from non-dominant groups to each other and to our entire school community to create strong relationships. We work to help families and students from dominant groups understand their privilege and act as allies to others. We aim to provide opportunities to affirm the children and their families, making space for students to be their authentic selves.We are a resource to the entire community for ongoing self-education on EDI topics.
Promote and support opportunities for connection, community, representation, and access for students and families who are underrepresented in our community.
Provide opportunities for students to unify and work collectively to foster tenacity, truth, and the ability to organize around the priorities that they deem important in their education. We acknowledge that a sense of authenticity and belonging has been shown to have a positive effect on academic performance and self esteem.
Help school employees understand and advocate for the various ways that families express their desires for equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice. We recognize that there are unique and distinct expressions that deserve to be named and understood.
Identify resources that can provide the material support needed for programs, enrichment opportunities, staffing, and professional learning that deepens the school’s equity work.
Institutionalize events and enrichment opportunities so they can be sustainably held by the school.
Support and review effectiveness of the following:
Marketing/recruitment/retention efforts focused on students and employees who are underrepresented in our community
Professional development for school employees
Professional development for Board members
Parent and student education around EDI issues
The EDI Committee consists of at least one representative from the Board, Administration, Early Childhood Faculty, wider educational/scholarly community in Pittsburgh, and Grades Faculty in addition to parents/caregivers of WSP students. Ideally the committee would be between 6 to 12 members with significant representation from underrepresented groups in our community. Members are requested to commit to a minimum of a year of service and are expected to attend the majority of meetings.
Committee Meetings:
Meetings occur twice monthly. Co-chairs are responsible for creating and circulating the agenda (all committee members may add items to the agenda in advance of the meetings), sending meeting reminders, facilitating the meeting, and ensuring that minutes are taken.
Co-chairs will provide a written update from the Committee to the Board in advance of each Board meeting. Written reports for the Board will be shared back through the bodies of the school through the following conduits:
Early Childhood Faculty member will share reports with Early Childhood Faculty
Grades Faculty member will share reports with Grades Faculty
Administration member will share reports with Administration
Parent Association Representative to the Board will share reports with the PA through
the four yearly PA meetings (September, November, February and April).
The EDI Committee is expected to provide an annual report at the end of each fiscal year to the Board, containing a self-assessment of the committee’s effectiveness and describing accomplishments relative to stated goals and responsibilities, including identifying challenges and barriers encountered during the year, and recommendations for solutions.
We function as a supporting body to the school with the purpose of driving change to make our community more inclusive and equitable. The various representatives of the school bodies on the committee bring our recommendations to those bodies for final decisions. (ex. pedagogy suggestions go to faculty, financial suggestions go to the board…)
The committee shall review its stated goals and objectives at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year to assess the effectiveness of its work. If there are areas in which the committee is ineffective, we will work collaboratively to create a solution. Accepted recommendations will be followed on a regular basis with documentation of follow through, next steps, and any issues of delay in implementation. The Board of Trustees will review the EDI Mandate on a yearly basis. The Board will review all EDI Committee reports and will bring recommendations into Board work (budget, strategic planning, professional development, Board goals, etc.).
Multicultural Statement
We seek to unite people of all races and nations, and bridge the division and differences between various groups of people.
— Rudolf Steiner, The Universal Human lecture
Waldorf School of Pittsburgh is an independent school, committed to fully developing the human potential of each and every child enrolled here, thus reflecting the mission of Waldorf education: To receive the child with reverence, to educate the child with love, to send the child forth with freedom.
Waldorf pedagogy is founded on principles that underscore our common humanity and the equality of all people. We welcome children of all races, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and religions. We believe that the educational experience of all children is enriched when they play and learn in the company of peers from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds.
It is therefore the policy of Waldorf School of Pittsburgh to promote diversity within the student body, the faculty, and the curriculum so that it mirrors the richness of the community in which we live. To fulfill these goals, we commit ourselves to the following actions:
We will strive to promote the school and Waldorf pedagogy to people from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds.
We invite and encourage the parents of our students to share their backgrounds with their children’s teachers. Through stories, songs, myths, and customs, we can share the richness of our diversity and enhance the community.
The faculty will engage in a continuing review of the school curriculum to ensure that the richness and variety of our diverse heritage is communicated to the children in a manner that is both consistent with the principles of Waldorf pedagogy and Anthroposophy.